Monday 10 February 2014

My 2014 Fitness Mission!

In my craze to get fit and healthy for 2014, I took to the streets yesterday and managed to run 7.12km. Instead of feeling exhausted I was completely energized. Two years ago after a knee injury, I had to give up running but slowly and surely I am getting my pace back!

I have also signed up for a local Pilates class and I’m really excited about it. I’ve neglected my fitness a bit since I started studying part-time 4 years ago. I went from gym junkie/ jogger to barely anything at all! So now it's time for change.

My goal is to run the Women's mini marathon on June 2nd; I did it in 2010. (I cannot believe it's been four years?!) I was able to run 7km then and jog/ walk the final 3km, but this time I would love to run the whole way!

What are your fitness goals for this year?

Juls x


  1. My fitness goals for this year are to work out at least 3 times a week. I must admit that I haven't really been sticking to that, but I do aim to do better. We have a family vacation coming up and want to be bathing suit ready. Not to mention, I think that fitness is important to keep us healthy overall. Visiting from the SITS Comment Love Tribe!

    1. I could have sworn I responded to you last night! Thanks for stopping by - it's hard getting back into it and juggling everything, but it's such a great stress reliever, it would be rude not to :) Let me know how you get on x

  2. That's so great - good luck to you! I don't have goals nearly as ambitious as yours, but I aim to get fit. I've been very sick for a month (pneumonia and H1N1), so I just want to get moving. :) By June I'd like to be walking 5 miles per day. SITS commet love.... Julia

    1. Thanks for stopping by Julia :) Sorry to hear that you have been sick, pneumonia is no joke! I hope you are feeling much better now - I find Pharmaton useful for giving me energy after I've been sick, and plenty of garlic :)

  3. My fitness goal for tis year is to get off my you know what and get moving!

    Just getting in my Sits comment love a little early!

    1. Hi kim, thanks for dropping by and sharing the love :) The best advice I ever took was from MLK:

      "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

      It's a good sentiment for getting fit, it doesnt matter how fast or slow you are, because chances are you're moving faster than the one on the couch :)

      Best of luck xx

  4. My fitness goals are to just be active. Good luck running the mini marathon! Stopping by from the SITS Girls.

    1. Thanks Kendra, I have my second run tonight and then Pilates this Thursday. I'm hoping to be in better shape by June anyway, watch this space :)

      Juls x

  5. Nice going Julie! Health is so important and essential to a full life. I started this year with the word "determination" because I have some tough health issues to battle but I am determined to improve with each day, week, month and have a successful year! thanks for sharing! #sitsgirls

  6. That is fabulous! I am looking to join a local gym and start working out 45 mins a day. I need to stop slacking. Winter makes me feel so unmotivated though

  7. Woohoo, good for you! I'd love to be able to do 5 miles per run sometime this year! I can do about 2 1/2 mikes right now but I have problems doing it when it's hot and humid outside!

    Stopping by from SITS to show some love. Have a great week!

  8. I admire your fitness mission! I've always wanted to do a run but mu husband doesn't like it, hahahaha. We're in the middle of buying a house so I want to get got exercise equipment to get myself motivated at home. I wish nothing but the best for you in 2014! <3

    Sharing some SITS Girls comment love!

  9. My goal is to get back up on the horse, so to speak… I was running at least one 5k a month last year and now, I am down to doing zilch, not even time in the gym! Live is crazy hectic and always seems to get in the way. I think a good start for me would be something like pilates or yoga, that I could do with a DVD even if I can't get out (we have been snowed in and had many days of negative temps) that way when I have the chance to do something different, I won't be so far gone as to not be motivated to even try again. Good luck in your fitness journey! (and I am also stopping by from SITS)

  10. Juls, That's awesome! I just started my fitness journey and am really enjoying it. My goals are small right now but I recently wrote about them here. :) I think it's terrific that you're getting back into running! I hope to just do a few fun runs this year but who knows...maybe I'll branch out and do some real running as my fitness improves. Sharing the SITS love!

  11. My Fitness goals for this year are to make a fitness HABIT. To actually do something and keep up with it. I kicked off with doing a DietBet, which is now half over and it really has helped me "find" the time to get on the elliptical and focus on MYSELF for 45 minutes!

  12. My main goal this year is to make fitness a habit. I have been doing circuit video's at home for a few weeks and it's becoming something I look forward to each morning.

  13. Great fitness goal. I'm getting back into my routine as well. It's hard staying consistent when my schedule is not my own, but I love the goal that you laid out for yourself! You rock! :-). #SITSBlogging

  14. That's great that you've gotten back into running and are doing well with increasing your runs. I haven't been able to get into running but I have some fitness goals of my own using my very low impact elliptical machine :)

  15. My goal is to lose 10 pounds and I've lost 5 so far.

  16. Aw, how inspirational! I am trying to get fit, but I have NEVER been athletic and am having trouble starting! Lol New friend stopping by from SITS.

  17. Good job! Stopping in from Sits!

  18. I am playing with short short short term goals. This week my goal is to walk through the door of the gym three times and actually spend some quality exercise time there. I figure if I am easy on myself it is more likely to get into a practice I enjoy rather than something I give up easily. By the way, you are crazy inspiring!! :-)

  19. We bought two new treadmills. One for upstairs and the other for downstairs. The one downstairs is a "desk" treadmill so I can work while I workout. Along with my low-carb diet (the only one that works) I'm excited about the progress I'm making. Thank you for the article. Very inspirational. #SITSBlogging

  20. Well done and good luck with your goal!

    My goal is just to get back to the gym and get fit again. We have flooding where I live (thankfully I am on the high side of the road so not affected my house) but road is closed so was a fine excuse not to go this week but next week, NO MORE EXCUSES! ;)

    Joining in with #SITSBlogging

  21. My goals for this year is to finish losing my baby weight and get back to running my half marathons. I miss them so much, but need to get back in shape.

    Coming by from the SITS Comment Love tribe!

  22. I have fitness goals for this year as well. I really have looked at myself, and decided to get fit for my kids. I want to be here as they grow up. Running is not in my repertoire yet, but next year I will attain that one too. God Willing! #SitsBlogging

  23. Wow congrats on working your way back from your knee injury. I have improving my health as a vital area of focus for this year too! #SITSblogging

  24. Congrats on all of your grit and determination. It will pay off. #SITSblogging

  25. I have had a goal to run/walk a marathon and I hope to reach it someday! I love doing all the walks and runs for charity and I use those for motivation.

  26. Congrats on getting back in shape after your knee injury and best of luck with your marathon! Regularly working out is something that has been on my list that I really need to accomplish. #SitsBlogging

  27. Go girl, go! I made a resolution to work out at least 3 days per week. That was my fitness goal. Let's just say that the past two weeks have been a huge fitness goal fail. I'm going to get back on track though. You've inspired me! :)
    New friend visiting from SITS :)

  28. Yay you!! That is so awesome! I'm sure you will be able to run in your race. My fitness goals this year are to do something active for at least 30 minutes, 6 days a week. If I do it first thing in the morning, I'm better at getting it done. #SITSBlogging

  29. Way to go! I started running last year, and did my first half marathon in October. My goal for this year is to try and finish a half marathon every month. It's ambitious (and expensive) but I need something to keep me training or I'll get lazy! #SITSblogging

  30. Looks like you're doing great! I need to find some exercise to do as I'm trying to lose weight but I can't get through an exercise routine without my 4 year old bothering me (begging for a snack or pulling on my weights, etc).

  31. WTG! You can do this :)

    Visiting from #SITSBlogging!

  32. That is so awesome! Good for you! I also used to run often, but now can barely squeeze out two or three miles before I'm ready to quit. I gotta get back in shape!
