Friday, 14 February 2014



I hope you all have a day filled with light and love. 

For many women however, today like many others will be filled with sadness and violence.
So I ask you to make a difference today #VDay - Rise for justice, to end violence against women! DANCE, RISE, RELEASE to demand justice and end impunity! 

This is a global movement. You can visit for more info on what events are taking place in your area. #OneBillionRising

I will be taking a stand today with my fellow Dubliners on Grafton street, Dublin 5-5.30pm.

Here's a link to an article I wrote last year: V-Day #onebillionrising


Monday, 10 February 2014

My 2014 Fitness Mission!

In my craze to get fit and healthy for 2014, I took to the streets yesterday and managed to run 7.12km. Instead of feeling exhausted I was completely energized. Two years ago after a knee injury, I had to give up running but slowly and surely I am getting my pace back!

I have also signed up for a local Pilates class and I’m really excited about it. I’ve neglected my fitness a bit since I started studying part-time 4 years ago. I went from gym junkie/ jogger to barely anything at all! So now it's time for change.

My goal is to run the Women's mini marathon on June 2nd; I did it in 2010. (I cannot believe it's been four years?!) I was able to run 7km then and jog/ walk the final 3km, but this time I would love to run the whole way!

What are your fitness goals for this year?

Juls x

Friday, 7 February 2014

My Favourite Friday Online Finds!


Where has this week gone? I don't know about you, but I am ready for some serious relaxing!

This is exactly how I'll be feeling this weekend

However I will be writing my Thesis so...

Photo from Cafe Press

...for those of you with time on your hands, take a look at some of the crafty finds I have found online this week!
Over on Crafts by Amanda, I founds these great D.I.Y tutorials. Check out the cute magnets below!

While I don't support the desecration of any book, Dictionary's do get updated so if you have an old copy lying around and you love language as much as I do get crafting :) These can make a great gift!

I adore polka dots and what better way to jazz up your accessories than with a few polka dots! Check them out on ISpyDIY

If you're heading out this weekend and you're into products Au natural like me then you will love this natural tanning cream by Iva Messy 

 Have a great weekend everyone!
