Thursday 10 October 2013

REFLECTIONS from Diary of a writer: First Week of 3rd Year

This piece is one I wrote last year; and looking back now all that worry seems like a far distant memory! It's nice to be standing on the other side of that; immersed in my final year and looking forward, would-you-believe, to writing my thesis!

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So, the first week of my third year is over and the shock is starting to dissipate.

My lecturer’s words, "This is serious now", still echoing in my head; "Everything counts from here".

Oh Jesus I think I shook the whole way through that class and the next one and all the way home!

The first week is always a shock to the system, but so far so good. The modules seem interesting and I'm sure there will be a few ‘stress’ attacks along the way but I think I learned a lot from last year. I spent a lot of time stressing about what had to be done instead of just getting it done, which wreaked havoc on my grades and my health. 

This year I've changed gears though, instead of getting into a heap and getting nothing done, I’ve realised that this will be tough, nothing worthwhile ever came easy, but I can make it work because after all this is something I enjoy. Forget about the word counts and the grades; stop stressing if the washing isn’t done. The important thing is to get my degree. 

Last year I was a complete mess and felt I’d failed miserably at the academic side of college (My grades were quite good actually) but I couldn’t keep on top of the workload, it just kept piling up. I did well enough but it is definitely time to buckle up and knuckle down, me thinks.
This year there is a hell of a lot less reading, I love reading, but combine that with classes, assignments and a full time job, it can be hard to find the time to read!

This year I have another writing class! Visual and Dramatic writing. I’m in heaven!

I have some other interesting classes this semester also: Literary Theory, Contemporary Drama and New Waves in European cinema.

This semester we have the opportunity to write a short screenplay, which I’m really looking forward to! I have an idea for mine already; taking inspiration from personal experience, a book I'm reading Writing the short film which is the course text, plus the 1945 version of Beauty and the beast which is mentioned in said book.

I'm really excited to see how this pans out...

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Third year wasn't all I'd hoped it would be but it wasn't as bad either. I learnt a lot about my writing and how much I could take on my plate. Balance is everything and knowing your limits is essential to managing the stress of a full time job & college!

All I know is that part-time students really have to be admired (And i don't intend that as self praise) - I don't know how we do it, really. It's our choice to study at night, but sometimes there is no other way. At the end of the day, if the passion is strong enough and the will to chase your dreams is there, you find a way!

 Juls x


  1. This is a really great post and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I am actually starting my second year of college and you're right--the first week was a shock (again) and the work just keeps piling up! And this is the first time I've been blogging also while in school--any tips on how you manage both!? xx

    <(") Hoda

  2. Congratulations! You have inspired me to look at old posts and see how I have overcome my own difficult situation. I am sure it's great to be on the other side!
