Saturday 31 August 2013

Contemplating Abroad

Well, it's finally here... I'm about to begin my final year of college, after three years studying part-time I'm simply itching to get into an internship next summer and spend some time doing what I love... Writing! And endless possibilities are popping into my head... So which destinations are on my list.

I would simply love to go to New York, and USIT have partnered with the US government to allow graduates entry into the US for 12 months to work! Wouldn't that be a dream to get back there - roll on 2015!

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However as I finish college May 2014, I'm looking for some outage straight away! So I'm thinking initially London or Edinburgh as it's close enough to home if it doesn't work out (and for graduation in November).

My ideal is for an internship with Glamour Magazine which is based in London, but I've applied for several others also. From there I'd love to get into a publishing house - but we'll see how that pans out. I was accepted for an internship with Harmonia - publishers of Irish Tatler and U Magazine - last summer, but was unable to take it up at that point because I work full time. I'm hoping to take that up summer 2014 (Fingers crossed). I was also published in the 2013 readers issue of U magazine, which you can check out here.

So for now I continue to blog and dream of abroad. Stay tuned.



  1. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
    Do you also follow me on gfc?
    Lovely greets

    1. Thanks so much :) lovely to have some new followers and gain some interest in the blog! Your blog has some great fashion tips, I will definitely be testing out! I have followed you on GFC, hope to see you follow back :)
      Juls x

  2. Hi Afroditi, thanks for stopping by - I have no followed you on bloglovin, please also follow on GFC :)

